Suomen Oikia Oy, Pyhännän tehdas,
Tuotetie 1, 92930 Pyhäntä
Give us feedback
Chips, corn puffs, and snacks are close to our hearts, and that’s why we want to hear your opinion. Ask, comment, share your thoughts and ideas. We hope our products brought a smile to your face and that you had a joyful moment with them!
If you received a defective product, please fill out the product information using the link below. Also, keep the product and its packaging until we have contacted you. We may ask you to send it to us for further examination. This way, we can best determine the cause of the possible error. We want you to be satisfied and happy.
Oikia selection for professional kitchens available from the foodservice wholesaler Kespro.
Billing information
Our billing address from June 10, 2024
Name: Suomen Oikia Oy
Company ID: 1732469-3
E-invoicing address: 003717324693 Intermediary details
Intermediary: Maventa
Intermediary ID: 003721291126
Intermediary ID when sending from the banking network: DABAFIHH